Page 14 - A Primer of Oilwell Drilling, 7th Edition
P. 14

ormal drilling operations include drilling the hole and adding a
               Nnew joint of pipe as the hole deepens. it also involves tripping    10
        Petroleum Extension-The University of Texas at Austin
               the drill string out the hole to put on a new bit and then running it
               back to the bottom (making a round trip). Other key steps include
               running and cementing the large-diameter steel casing used to seal
               selected intervals of the hole.
               dRILLINg THE SURfaCE HOLE

               Engineers create a well plan and a wellbore architecture for every well     drilling
               before it is drilled. A typical wellbore architectural diagram for an
               onshore well is shown in figure 160. The wellbore diagram shows the   Operations
               hole and casing sizes needed to drill the well to its desired depth.

                                     GROUND                            LEVEL
                                                                                 16'' x   /2''  WALL STRUCTURAL
                                                                                 DRIVE PIPE DRIVEN TO 150' OR
                                   150'                                          POINT OF FIRST REFUSAL
                     13 /2'' SURFACE HOLE                                        10 3 /4'', 45.5 ppf, K-55, BTC
                   DRILLED TO 3500' WITH                                         SURFACE CASING SET AT
                    MUD WEIGHT = 9.2 ppg                                         3500' AND CEMENTED BACK
                               AT 3,500'                                         TO GROUND LEVEL

                                                                                 ANNULUS SPACE ABOVE THE
                                                                                 CEMENT IS LEFT FULL OF
                                                                                 DRILLING MUD.

                      9 7 /8'' INTERMEDIATE                                      7 5 /8'', 33.7 ppf, P-110, LTC
                       HOLE DRILLED TO                                           INTERMEDIATE CASING SET AT
                        9,700' WITH MUD                                          9,700'  AND CEMENTED BACK
                       WEIGHT = 12.8 ppg                                         TO 7,500'
                               AT 9,700'

                                                                                 THE WELL IS LEFT FULL
                                                                                 OF COMPLETION FLUID.

                                                                                                                  aul Bommer

                                 9,700'                                          5'', 18 ppf, P-110, LTC
                                                                                 PRODUCTION LINER SET
                      6 1 /2'' PRODUCTION
                       HOLE DRILLED TO                                           FROM 9,200'  TO 10,600'           P
                       10,600' WITH MUD                                          LINER TOP PACKER AND
                       WEIGHT  = 16.3 ppg                                        HANGER SET AT 9,200'             tesy of Dr.
                              AT 10,600'                                         CEMENT 9,200'  TO 10,600'
               Figure 160.    Typical wellbore architecture

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