Page 21 - A Primer of Oilwell Drilling, 7th Edition
P. 21
blooie line, 128 cementing head, 158
blowout preventers (BOPs), 34, 159, 184 centralizers, 158
Petroleum Extension-The University of Texas at Austin
blowout preventers (BOPs) stack, 85 centrifuge, 132
blowouts, 183, 184, 186 characteristics of reservoir rocks, 58–59
boilers, early day, 10 choke manifold, 186
boreholes, 20 Christmas tree, 173
bottle-type submersibles, 25 circulating equipment, 128–134
bottomhole assembly (BHA), 120, 136 circulating system
bottomhole location (BHL), 179 circulating equipment, 128–134
bottom plug, 158 drilling fuid, 126–128
bottom-supported rigs, 23 clay, 11, 16, 127
bottom-supported MODUs, 24 coal vs. fuel oil, 10, 13
box-on-box substructure, 86 coiled tubing, 175
BP Thunder Horse rig, 54 combination traps, 64
brake bands, 5 companies
breakout cathead, 104 drilling contractors, 39
breaking out pipe, 48 drilling contracts, 39–40
breakout tongs, 141 operating companies, 38–39
break tour, 92 service and supply companies, 40, 42–46
British Petroleum, 13 company representative, 51
Btus, 13 completing a producing well, 173–174
buck up (tighten), 143 completion rig, 174
bulk tanks, 133 conditioned mud, 20
bullwheel, 15 conductor casing, 81
bumps, 159 conductor holes, 80–81
bushing, 110-111 conductor pipe, 81
butane (C H ), 56 confirmation wells, 69
connections, 121
core barrel, 170
cable-tool drillers, 11 coring, 170–172
cable-tool drilling, 15–16 crane operators, 52
applications for, 16 crew safety, 50
cable-tool rigs, 11 crown block, 47
caisson, 26 crude oil
California, 10 about, 6
cased formations, 11 oil characteristics, 55, 57
casing crews, 43, 154 origin of, 60
casing pipe, 9 producers of, 38
casing string, 162 cutters, 122
catheads, 101, 102–103 cuttings. See also fuid circulation; shale shakers
catlines, 102 in early days, 11, 16
catshafts, 101 examination of, 163–172
catwalk, 110 treatment of, 74, 76, 130–131, 190
caving in, 9
cellars, 77
cementing casing, 43 darcy, 59
cementing company, 43, 158 Darcy, Henry, 59