Page 23 - A Primer of Oilwell Drilling, 7th Edition
P. 23

236                                                              A PRIMER OF OILWELL DRILLING

             ethane (C H ), 56                                      propane (C H ), 56
             explorationists, 71                                    in rocks, 164
        Petroleum Extension-The University of Texas at Austin
             exploration wells, 69                              gas characteristics
                                                                    liquefied natural gas (LNG), 56
                                                                    liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), 56
             fastline, 106                                          natural gas, 55
             faults, 60                                             natural gas liquids (NGLs), 57
             fault traps, 62                                    gas condensate, 57
             fingerboard, 151                                    gasoline, 57
             fish, 181                                           gas seeps, 13
             fishermen, 181                                      geologic forces, 60
             fishing, 181–182                                    geophones, 68
             fishing jobs, 168                                   geophysicists, 68
             fapper, 156                                        Geronimo, 47
             fared gas, 128                                     gooseneck, 116
             foat collara, 156                                  grapples, 181
             foaters, 33                                        gravel packing, 178
             foating units                                      guide shoe, 156
                 drill ships, 33–36                             gushers, 12
                 semisubmersibles, 30–31
             foes, 26
             foorhands (rotary helpers/roughnecks), 44, 48–49   heave compressors, 35
             fow diverter, 136                                  heavy lift vessels, 30
             fuid circulation, 19–20                            hexagonal kelly, 114
             footage rate contracts, 40                         Higgins, Patillo, 11
             forging bit teeth, 123                             history of drilling, 7–13
             formation, 10                                          California, 10
             formation evaluation                                   Drake Well, 9–10
                 coring, 170–172                                    Lucas Well, 11–12
                 defined, 163                                        Spindletop well, 11–12, 20, 64–65
                 drill stem testing, 168                        hoisting system, 100–110
                 examining cuttings and drilling mud, 163–172       about, 100
                 well logging, 165–167                              blocks and drilling line, 104, 105, 108
             formation fuids, 20                                    catheads, 102–103
             foundation traps, 61                                   drawworks, 101–102
             4-D seismic surveys, 68                                masts and derricks, 109–110
             fracturing, 177                                    horizontal wells, 179
             friction catheads, 102                             horsepower, 15
             fuel oil vs. coal, 13                              hot wire testing, 164
             future of drilling, 191                            hydraulic fracturing, 177
                                                                hydraulic jars, 181
                                                                hydraulic motors, 18
             gamma ray log, 165                                 hydrocarbons, 55
             gas                                                hydrochloric acid (HCL), 177
                 about, 1                                       hydrocylones, 131
                 natural gas, 6, 55                             hydrofuoric acid (HFL), 177
                 origins and accumulation of, 60–61             hydrogas. See liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
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