Page 25 - A Primer of Oilwell Drilling, 7th Edition
P. 25

238                                                              A PRIMER OF OILWELL DRILLING

                 conditioned mud, 20                                fault traps, 62
                 cuttings and drilling mud examination, 163–172      finding petroleum traps, 65–68
        Petroleum Extension-The University of Texas at Austin
                 drilling mud, 12, 20                               foundation traps, 61
                 oil-base, 127                                      other traps, 64–65
             mud cleaning, 133                                      structural traps, 61
             mud engineer, 47                                   origins and accumulation of oil and gas, 60–61
             mud log, 164                                       outpost wells, 69
             mud logger, 163                                    overshot, 181
             mud logging company, 40
             mud motors, 118
             mud pits, 184                                      packers, 168, 174
             mud pump, 97                                       people, 44–54
             mud tanks, 85                                          area drilling superintendent, 51
             mud weight, 126                                        company representative, 51
             mule shoe, 181                                         crew safety, 50
                                                                    derrickman, 46–47, 49
                                                                    driller and assistant, 45
             natural gas, 6, 55                                     drilling crews, 44
             natural gas liquids (NGLs), 57                         drilling crew workshifts, 50
             neutron log, 165                                       foorhands (rotaryhelpers/roughnecks), 48–49
             night toolpushers, 44                                  office personnel, 54
             nippling BOPs, 159                                     offshore personnel, 51–54
                                                                    rig superintendent and assistant, 44
                                                                perforating, 176–177
             off-bottom weight, 139                             perforating gun, 176–177
             office personnel, 54                                perforations, 176
             offshore drilling rigs, 2                          permafrost, 73
             offshore installation manager (OiM), 51            permeable rocks, 59
             offshore personnel, 51–54                          personal protective gear (PPE), 3, 50
             offshore rigging up activity, 92                   petrochemical feedstock, 57
             offshore rigs, 84                                  petroleum era, 10
             oil, 1                                             petroleum geology, 65
                 characteristics of, 55, 57                     petroleum traps discovery, 65–68
                 origins and accumulation of, 60–61             piercement salt dome, 64
                 in rocks, 163                                  pile driver, 81
             oil and gas reservoirs, 58–68                      pins, 112
                 characteristics of reservoir rocks, 58–59      pipe rams, 184
             oil-base mud, 127                                  pipe tally, 136
             oilwell drilling, early, 16                        plastic material, 65
             Oil Creek, 14                                      platform, 21
             on-bottom weight, 139                              plugging and abandoning wells (P&A), 173
             open-hole completion, 176                          plug stops, 158
             operating companies, 38–39                         polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) bits, 125
             operators, 38                                      pontoons, 30
             origins and accumulation                           porosity, 58
                 about, 60                                      porous rock, 58
                 anticlinal traps, 62                           posted-barge submersibles, 24
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