Page 26 - A Primer of Oilwell Drilling, 7th Edition
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Index                                                                                        239

               power rigs, 94                                     rig manager, 3, 44
               power swivel, 117                                  rig safety and environmental concerns, 189–190
        Petroleum Extension-The University of Texas at Austin
               power system                                       rig superintendent, 3
                   about, 93–99                                   rig superintendent and assistant, 44
                   electrical power transmission, 97–99           rig supervisors, 44
                   mechanical power transmission, 97              rocks
               prime movers, 95                                       gas in, 164
               production, 10                                         oil in, 163
               production casing, 162                             roller cone bits, 122, 123–124
               production tubing, 173, 174–175                    rotary drilling rig, 11, 16–20
               production wellhead, 35                                fuid circulation, 19–20
               propane (C H ), 56                                 rotating systems, 18–19
               proppants, 177                                     rotary drilling rigs, types of
               pulleys, 106                                           land rigs, 22
               pull line, 141                                         mobile offshore rigs, 23–36
               pumps, 19                                          rotary helpers, 44, 48
                                                                  rotary speed, 179
                                                                  rotary steerable assemblies, 179, 181
               quadruples (pipeline), 89                          rotary table, 18
                                                                  rotary-table systems, 110, 152
                                                                  rotating components, 97
               racked back stand, 150                             rotating head, 128
               rate of penetration (ROP), 123                     rotating systems, 18–19, 110–126
               rathole rig, 78                                        bits, 122
               ratholes, 77–78                                        downhole motors, 118–119
               recycling, 76                                          drag bits, 125
               refined hydrocarbon, 57                                 drill string, 120–122
               remotely operated vehicle (ROV), 35                    kelly, 114–115
               repeat formation tester (RFT), 168                     master   bushing and kelly drive

               reserve pits, 74                                           bushing, 111–113
               reservoir stimulating, 177                             roller cone bits, 123–124
               reservoir tapping, 1                                   rotary-table systems, 110
               reservoir treating, 177                                swivel, 115–117
               rig components, 93–99                                  top drives, 115–118
                   circulating system, 126–134                        turntables, 111
                   hoisting system, 100–110                           weight on bits and rotating speeds, 126
                   power system, 93–99                            rotors, 118
                   rotating systems, 110–126                      roughnecks, 44
               rig foor, 4                                        round trip, 135
               rigged-down status, 82                             roustabouts, 52
               rigged up status, 78                               royalties, 39
               rigged-up status, 82                               run in activity, 89
               rigging up activity, 85–92                         running quicksand, 11
                   additional equipment, 91–92                    run pipe, 111
                   mast or derrick raising, 89–91
                   offshore, 92
                   substructures, 85–88                           safety equipment, 47
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