Page 27 - A Primer of Oilwell Drilling, 7th Edition
P. 27

240                                                              A PRIMER OF OILWELL DRILLING

             safety training frequency, 189                     special operations, 179–188
             salt, 65                                               directional drilling, 179–181
        Petroleum Extension-The University of Texas at Austin
             salt domes, 65                                         fishing, 181–182
             sand reel, 16                                          well control, 183–188
             sandstone, 58                                      Spindletop well, 11–12, 20, 64–65
             SCR house, 98                                      spool, 88
             sediment, 57                                       spudded wells, 11
             seismic signals, 68                                square kelly, 114
             seismic surveys, 68                                stabbing the drill string, 117, 156
             seismology, 68                                     standard derricks, 89
             self-propelled barges, 27                          standpipe, 130
             semisubmersibles, 30–31                            stators, 118
             Seneca Oil Company, 9                              steering tools, 180
             service and supply companies, 40, 42–46            stem, 115
             shakers, 131                                       step-out wells, 69
             shale, 65                                          structural traps, 61
             shale diapirs, 65                                  submersible MODUs, 24
             shale pits, 74                                     types of, 24
             shale shakers, 128                                 subsea blowout preventers (BOPs), 52, 186
             shaped charges, 176                                subsea engineers, 52
             shear rams, 184                                    subsea equipment supervisors, 52
             sheaves, 106                                       substructures, 4, 85–88
             shut in well, 136                                  subsurface safety valve (SSSV), 175
             sidewall coring, 170                               sulfides, 57
             silicon controlled rectification (SCR ) rigs, 94    supply reel, 104
             singles (pipeline), 89                             surface blowout, 183
             sinker bar, 15                                     surface casing, 136
             site preparation, 73–81                            surface hole, 136
                 cellars, 77                                    surface location (SL), 179
                 conductor holes, 80–81                         surface preparation, 73
                 earthen pits, 73–76                            swamp barges, 27
                 mouseholes, 79                                 swampers, 91
                 ratholes, 77–78                                sweet crude, 57
                 surface preparation, 73                        swivel, 110, 115–117
             site selection, 71–72                              swivel stem, 116
             skidding of rigs, 21
             skid the rig step, 82
             slack off, 5                                       tapered bowl, 112
             slide drilling with a motor, 179, 180              tectonic plates, 60
             slingshot substructure, 86                         tensile forces, 121
             slurry, 158                                        tensioners, 35
             Smith, William A., 9                               threads, 121
             soft elevating-substructure, 86                    thrusters, 32
             sonic logs, 165                                    thumpers, 68
             sour crude, 57                                     Tinkerbell line, 47
             sour gas, 55                                       Titusville, PA, 14
             spears, 182                                        tongs, 48
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