New Location for the PETEX Houston Training Center

As part of PETEX’s business processes, we look closely at how best to serve the industry from our Houston Training Center (HTC) and West Texas Training Center (WTTC). In that process, we decided to move our Houston facility. Fortunately, we have been able to work with Lone Star College to both execute an MOU to collaborate on training and education programs and to relocate the HTC to University Park.

petex houston training center

As of May 1st, the PETEX Houston classrooms and offices are located in Building 9, Suite 100 at University Park and the Flow Lab is located across the street in the Energy and Manufacturing Institute building. This move allows PETEX to reduce facilities costs and foster a greater relationship with the community and state colleges for both corporate training and educational program support.

The new HTC will also be home to our new PETEX Director and Executive in Residence – Bob Parkey. After having the PETEX Director based in Austin, for the last few years, we are retuning PETEX leadership to Houston to ensure that we are aligned with industry trends and needs.

As PETEX celebrates its 75th Anniversary, we look forward to working with our learners and industry stakeholders to write the chapter of the next 25 years and beyond.