
PETEX Upstream course offerings

The upstream sector of the industry includes the topics of exploration, land management, drilling, completion, well stimulation, production, and workover intervention.

Click the links below to explore titles related to the upstream sector.

Instructor-Led Training

The Rig School™ – Intro to Offshore Operations – A PETEX Legacy for Over 35 Years!

Measurement, Control and Storage

Fundamentals of Petroleum Measurement (first of three levels)
Intermediate Petroleum Measurement (second of three levels)
Advanced Petroleum Measurement (third of three levels)
Material Loss Control in Refineries and Petrochemical Plants
Natural Gas Measurement–Fundamentals



Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing
Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing


Artificial Lift
Improved Recovery Techniques
Reservoir Drive Mechanisms
Surface Handling of Well Fluids
Well Completion
Well Service And Workover
Well Stimulation


Petroleum Exploration
Well Planning


Blowout Prevention System
The Circulating System
Controlled Directional Drilling
Formation Evaluation
The Hoisting System
Interactive Offshore Rig
Interactive Onshore Rig
Open-Hole Fishing
Overview of Drilling Systems
The Power System
Rotary Drilling Rig Types
The Rotating System
Routine Drilling Operations
Types of Wells
Well Control


Elementary Drilling E-Course
Oilwell Drilling Primer E-Course
Production Basics E-Course

Self-Study Programs

Field Handling of Natural Gas, Volume 1—Production and Conditioning Self-Study Program
Introduction to Rotary Drilling Self-Study Program
Practical Petroleum Geology Self-Study Program
A Primer of Oilwell Drilling Self-Study Program
Routine Drilling Operations Self-Study Program
Special Drilling Operations Self-Study Program



Acoustic Fluid Level Measurements in Oil and Gas Handbook
Arithmetic for Rig Personnel, 2nd Ed.
Auxiliaries, The, 3rd Ed., Revised
Bit, The, 5th Ed.
Blocks and Drilling Line, The, 3rd Ed., Revised
Blowout Prevention, 4th Ed.
Casing and Cementing, 3rd Ed.
Controlled Directional Drilling, 4th Ed.
Diesel Engines and Electric Power, 3rd Ed., Revised
The Drawworks and the Compound
Drill String and Drill Collars
Drilling a Straight Hole, 4th Ed.
Drilling Fluids
Drilling Fluids, Mud Pumps, and Conditioning Equipment
Drilling Technology Series
H2S Safety Handbook, 2nd ed.
Introduction to Rotary Drilling, 2nd Ed.
Introduction to Well Control, 2nd ed.
Making Hole, 3rd Ed., Revised
Open Hole Fishing, 4th Ed.
Practical Underbalanced Drilling and Workover
Practical Well Control, 4th Ed.
Primer of Oilwell Drilling, A, 7th Ed.
Rotary Drilling Series, Unit 1, The Rig and Its Maintenance
Rotary Drilling Series, Unit 2, Normal Drilling Operations
Rotary Drilling Series, Unit 3, Nonroutine Drilling Operations
Rotary Drilling Series, Unit 4, Man Management and Rig Management
Rotary Drilling Series, Unit 5, Offshore Technology
Rotary Rig and Its Components, The, 5th Ed.
Rotary, Kelly, Swivel, Tongs, and Top Drive
The Roughneck Training Handbook
Routine Drilling Operations, 2nd Ed.
Safety on the Rig, 4th Ed., Revised
Special Drilling Operations, 2nd Ed.
Testing and Completing, 3rd Ed., Revised


Analysis for Well Completion
Artificial Lift, 2nd Ed.
The Beam Lift Handbook, Revised
Beam Pumping
Cased-Hole Logging
Coring and Core Analysis
Corrosion Control
Field Handling of Natural Gas, 4th Ed.
Field Handling of Natural Gas, Volume 1—Production and Conditioning
Gas and Liquid Measurement
Improved Recovery
Oil and Gas Production Series
Oil and Gas: The Production Story, 2nd Ed.
Open-Hole Logging
Petroleum Production Operations
Plant Processing of Natural Gas, 2nd Ed.
Primer of Oil and Gas Measurement
Reciprocating Gas Compressors
Treating Oilfield Emulsions, 4th Ed.
Well Cementing
Wireline Operations


Advanced Stability
Buoyancy, Stability, and Trim, 2nd Ed.
Comprehensive Stability
Diving and Equipment, 3rd Ed.
Jacking Systems and Rig Moving Procedures
Life Offshore, 2nd Ed.
Marine Riser and Subsea Blowout Preventers
Offshore Well Construction
Orientation for Offshore Crane Operations, 2nd Ed.
Primer of Offshore Operations, A, 3rd Ed.
Spread Mooring Systems, 2nd Ed.
Vessel Inspection and Maintenance
Wind, Waves, and Weather, 3rd Ed.

Well Service and Workover

Artificial Lift Methods, 2nd Ed.
Control of Formation Pressure
Fishing Tools and Techniques
Introduction to Oilwell Service and Workover, 2nd Ed.
Primer of Oilwell Service, Workover, and Completion
Production Rig Equipment
Well Cleanout and Repair Methods
Well Completion Methods
Well Logging Methods, 2nd Ed.
Well Service and Workover Profitability, 2nd Ed.
Well Service and Workover Series
Well Servicing and Repair
Well Stimulation Treatments, 2nd Ed.


An Oil Lease and Its Components Poster
The Rotary Rig and Its Components Poster