Surface Handling of Well Fluids

Oil and gas are not usually salable directly from the wellhead. Fluids typically exit a well as a mixture of oil, gas, and water, and several steps are necessary to prepare the oil and/or gas for sale.

In this module you will learn:

  • Overview of surface handling process and equipment
  • Functions of typical surface handling equipment.
  • Some oilwell and gas well tests
  • How crude oil tanks are prepared before they are put in operation
  • How oil stored in tanks is sampled, measured and tested
  • How gas is sampled, measure, and tested

In order to successfully complete this module you will be required to:

  • Go through all the lessons in the module.
  • Complete the practice items.
  • Complete the module quiz with a passing grade of 70%. You will have 2 chances to complete the quiz.

At the end, you will receive a Digital Badge of Completion. It should take you approximately 60-75 minutes to complete this module.

For multiple licenses or to use the material in training, please contact us at 800.687.4132 or 512.471.5940 or by sending an email to

Catalog #LicensePrice 
93.M0710 6 Months $65.00