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Vessel Inspection and Maintenance

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This publication is Lesson 6 of Unit 5 of the Rotary Drilling Series (RDS)

The most promising areas in the search for oil and gas today lie offshore. In the past it has been a general practice to reduce maintenance expenditures in offshore oil and gas fields as their production and associated revenues decreased, to the end that practically all facilities were abandoned when the field was abandoned. However, with the technology and materials that go into design and construction of today’s offshore units, greater replacement costs, and shortages of materials, it has become increasingly important to attend to corrective maintenance, planned inspections, and preventative maintenance. With serious consideration given to maintaining offshore platforms and equipment in the best possible condition, they may be moved, modified as required, and reused in other fields.

This training manual attempts to make offshore personnel aware of the importance of maintaining the drilling unit and its equipment, not only to prolong its service, but to comply with government regulations and to ensure safe working conditions. Topics include regulation of MODUs, preventative maintenance, corrosion and cathodic protection systems, and protective coatings. Readable language, clearly labeled illustrations and photographs, a glossary, and helpful self-test review questions help the reader understand the material.
ISBN 0-88698-074-7. 1977, 38 pp.

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PriceCatalog No. 
Print $7.00 2.50610
E-Book $27.00 2.50610E
Printed book & e-Book Bundle $34.00 2.50610B