Well Control

Well control methods are used to control a kick and prevent a well from blowing out.

In this module you will learn:

  • The goals of well control
  • Types of well and formation pressures associated with drilling for oil and gas
  • The causes and signs of formation fluids entering the well
  • Well control operations performed by the rig crewmembers
  • Some well control methods used when a kick is detected

In order to successfully complete this module you will be required to:

  • Go through all the lessons in the module.
  • Complete the practice items.
  • Complete the module quiz with a passing grade of 70%. You will have 2 chances to complete the quiz.

At the end, you will receive a Digital Badge of Completion.  It should take you approximately 60-90 minutes to complete this module.

Note: To best understand the concepts and processes in well control, it is recommended that you complete the Blowout Prevention module before you start this one.

For multiple licenses or to use the material in training, please contact us at 800.687.4132 or 512.471.5940 or by sending an email to info@petex.utexas.edu.


Catalog #LicensePrice 
96.M1210 6 Months $65.00